
No, Thank You

To Utah:
I love that you are home.
I love that my family is here.
I love that you are fab to look at and have gorgeous mountains and trees and lakes.
I love that I can go outside without fear of getting gang banged.
And it's a dang good thing I love you for all these reasons because I'm not particularly in love with you for this:
Thank you traditional October snow.



Or this gem left at my door this week:



This seems to be a Utah tradition.
The old ghost in the window.
I swear it's this ghost and the cookies left with it that brought about a lovely stomach bug for me and Brett.
Maybe not poisoned, but a bad vibe for sure.


Thank you, ghost.

..... .....

For reassuring us that we're not totally unpopular in our neighborhood and for giving me a reason to bake and doorbell ditch.


However, I will say that this snow and recovering from this bug I've got have left me with no intention of leaving the house today.
And, rocking Jack to sleep with a little snow falling, and the antincipation of a lovely nap for the both of us makes me feel rather forgiving.

Utah, I still love you.
Still hate the ghost.
And Jack, if I could climb inside your crib and take my nap with you, I would.


Annie said...

I must be getting old because I loathe cold weather now. My rickety body can't hack it anymore. Seriously Utah, if nearly everyone I know and love didn't live here, I would be on the first train out. Jack needs to come visit me asap! I need to squish those cheeks and be reminded why I live here.

Lou said...

Wankie Poo,
Come to St. George and live with me. No snow.

Lou said...

I just got BOOED and forgot to keep the tradition going. It stopped at my house and for some reason I don't have a problem with that.

Jenny said...

I hate the snow too. Whatever happened to "global warming"? Come on...melt the stuff!

I must not be loved this year because I didn't get BOO'ed! :) Sweetness...I'll take being the neighborhood out cast.


huggin said...

we can swap if you want? It's like 70 here... which means that I hate it and wish that it would snow... but it does sound super cozy to snuggle a little one with the snow gently falling outside... I might go work for Hallmark...

Anonymous said...

I am sick of the snow myself! I refuse to drive about 1/2 of the winter! haha