
Let's Help Hank Cure Diabetes!

This is Hank.
He was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in March of 2011.
Hank is my 8-year-old nephew... and my hero. 
Unless you know someone with this horrible disease, you may not know exactly what it involves.
Kids like Hank put on a pretty impressive show, too...
He excels in EVERYTHING he does from school to sports. 
But, behind the scenes, you should know...these poor kids with Type 1 Diabetes, along with their devoted parents go through  a lot.
Blood sugar testing...finger pricking...shots...worry...pump site injections... worry...highs....worry...lows...frustration...sleepless nights...and more carb counting and diet monitoring than anyone would ever want to do.
Hank is  a lucky boy to have incredible parents who take flawless care of his diabetes.
They're also working with the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation to find a cure for Hank and all of the other families struggling daily with this disease. 
Check out the TEAM HANK page here:
And, if you're looking to support a wonderful cause...this is definitely one!
Every nickel and dime is another step closer to curing these kids!