
Russell @ 3 Months

Just a quick post on my angel child.

Russell's third month of life has proven to be just as dreamy as the two before.

Turns out, it's no fluke that he's perfect.

I'm really not trying to be one of those mom's who *claims* to have a perfect baby.
I really just do.

This kid RARELY cries.
As in, I've never been up at night with a crying baby.
He might cry a minute, at most, if that.

He sleeps when he needs to (which tends to be a lot).

He eats when he needs to.

He waits if he has to.

He smiles constantly.


Endures overzealous brothers and endless errand running.
He doesn't care when I strip him from his warm comfy crib to get in his cold car seat (every day).

He rolls with everything.

It actually makes me want to cry, because he truly is a peaceful, sweet, happy little creature.
And he just makes my world better.

I could have 20 more if I knew they'd be just like him.

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