
Maybe the Most Random Hodge Podge to Date

A real random post here with this one, but hey.. oh well!

The boys got some dental work done... a big step because they didn't have to get knocked out at the pediatric dentist and went to uncle Chris!

Jack had 4 cavities (eek!), and Tucker had 2.

We endured.

Tucker posed like this one day:

Jack wears his coat every day to Kindergarten and never takes it off during class.
The entire time at school, he sits there all zipped up.

He says he doesn't want to have to put it back on for recess...
This kid of mine...I swear.

This particular day it was 55 degrees and I picked him up to see him all suited up...gloves, hat, leather coat.

And, sweaty!

 Tucker in the Lego room...

(We had Little Bear...see?)

And, Jack got spoiled by Grandma Jackie and finally got his Ringraith costume.

The amount of slo-mo videos taken of this costume blowing in the wind is astronomical.

And, since he got a new costume, he decided to let Tuck be Kilo Ren mini-me for a day.

My life is a revolving door of costumes.

And random blog posts.

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