
Wankier Winter Cabin Adventure '16

We made it back up to the cabin with my whole family for an awesome long weekend over President's Day.

It was perfect in every way with endless eating, napping, 4 wheeling, snow-play, gaming, movie watching, laughing, etc!

We ventured into Heber one night for dinner, and the rest of the time we stay tethered to the cabin!


My mom took up knitting and made this (too small) hat for Jack and it kept me entertained and laughing for hours!

I love that my kids have these awesome cousins to grow up with and to have take care of them!

Robber Tuck

Lol!  This trip will forever be remembered for my dad's photo posing.  He was inspired by some Beatles photo shoot he saw, and decided to constantly pose us (in the same staggered position every time), and direct us to make obscure faces.  I have about 90 like this on my phone.

Photo direction is tiring.

Nap time.

Russ did this about 85% of the trip.
I love him.


Tucker and his husband got in some quality time.

See?  More posing.

And then, I threw a snowball in my mom's face.

And we pretended to give snow birth.

Sam and Tucker slept together for approximately 15 minutes... that wasn't a winning combo.
What was a winning combo, however, was shoving all the kids in the upstairs bedroom!

Let's be honest.
The entire weekend was a party.  I love spending such quality time with my fam.
My kids had a blast, and I love that they have grandparents to do such fun things with.

I can hardly wait for our next cabin trip with them all!

Russell @ 3 Months

Just a quick post on my angel child.

Russell's third month of life has proven to be just as dreamy as the two before.

Turns out, it's no fluke that he's perfect.

I'm really not trying to be one of those mom's who *claims* to have a perfect baby.
I really just do.

This kid RARELY cries.
As in, I've never been up at night with a crying baby.
He might cry a minute, at most, if that.

He sleeps when he needs to (which tends to be a lot).

He eats when he needs to.

He waits if he has to.

He smiles constantly.


Endures overzealous brothers and endless errand running.
He doesn't care when I strip him from his warm comfy crib to get in his cold car seat (every day).

He rolls with everything.

It actually makes me want to cry, because he truly is a peaceful, sweet, happy little creature.
And he just makes my world better.

I could have 20 more if I knew they'd be just like him.

Maybe the Most Random Hodge Podge to Date

A real random post here with this one, but hey.. oh well!

The boys got some dental work done... a big step because they didn't have to get knocked out at the pediatric dentist and went to uncle Chris!

Jack had 4 cavities (eek!), and Tucker had 2.

We endured.

Tucker posed like this one day:

Jack wears his coat every day to Kindergarten and never takes it off during class.
The entire time at school, he sits there all zipped up.

He says he doesn't want to have to put it back on for recess...
This kid of mine...I swear.

This particular day it was 55 degrees and I picked him up to see him all suited up...gloves, hat, leather coat.

And, sweaty!

 Tucker in the Lego room...

(We had Little Bear...see?)

And, Jack got spoiled by Grandma Jackie and finally got his Ringraith costume.

The amount of slo-mo videos taken of this costume blowing in the wind is astronomical.

And, since he got a new costume, he decided to let Tuck be Kilo Ren mini-me for a day.

My life is a revolving door of costumes.

And random blog posts.


Bear Hollow Valentine's Party

Lucky me! I got to help in Tuck's Pre-School Valentine's Day party!
I really do love helping in my kid's classes... even though I think I've had like 4 days total all year where Jack and Tucker were both in school and I didn't have an appointment or class to help in.
There really is no where else I'd rather be.
(Thankfully, my mom and Annie are so great to help with Russ).

This was a great candid shot of Tucker during their circle time.
Oh dear.... please bless he's not that kid.

Cute tiny little monkeys.
Still working on that picture perfect smile!

Words cannot express how much I love that these two are in school together.

I mean... can you see the happiness on Tucker's face?!?
What would we do without Miss Molly?


Boy Catch Up

Random Catch Up Time... 
you know the drill.

Enjoy the picts.... I'll interject when necessary.
(Note: There is no flow to this post)

You're going to notice a theme here with Russ.....

*Perfect baby... not kidding.*

We bought another 4 wheeler...

Russ is still perf...

My boys have had lots of fun hanging out with the Ross as of late.  Tucker calls Kate his "husband" and really really really loves her.
As you'll see below, he gets so sad when she leaves... he'll stand in the corner for like an hour and pout.  

Jack took a big step and decided to try and like Cookies and Cream shakes....

And, then there's Russ....

Ew, gosh.

(My boys BEG to hold him when he's naked....hmmmm)

In other news, Tucker peed in a water bottle while we were waiting to pick Jack up from Kindergarten the other day.  When you gotta go... you gotta go.

The boys are loving their motorcycle.
We'll head over to the church parking lot every once in a while and get  little ride in... their put putting is hilarious.

Almost as hilarious as their bodies in helmets.

We took the boys to the dump (thrills) last week and Jack insisted on wearing his Kilo Ren mask to help shield him from the smell.

They really are quite the duo.

A typical night at our strange house...

A little guitar hero...

 (Spot lurking caped Jack in the background?)

Tucker has started wearing my pink Hello Kitty snuggy to bed every night.
It his hilarious and painfully inconvenient at the same time.
When he wakes up, he fumbles and falls around everywhere!

And, he's also started not napping some days, so around 5:00, I'll find him like this:

Now, this is big news!

He was so excited... it was loose for like 2 months, and then...

Brett finally popped it out!

And so the gangly monster teeth begin! Sniff, sniff.

And, sleeping, happy Russ continues.

Just some psycho costume boys...
Another day in my paradise---

I'm living with a full blown nut-squad...

but, I sure love these little nugs!