
Jack's Birthday

Man oh man oh man oh man.
There was a whole lot of excitement leading up to Jack's 5th Birthday.
We had to make a paper chain just to help him understand how many days were left before the big day.  Pretty sure there were 50 chains on that baby.

Jack woke up at a fitting time of 5:55 am on the big day READY TO GOOOOO!

We threw him in bed with us for an hour to give us all a minute to catch up with the birthday boy, and then we were off!

He was happy to see the Star Wars decor we had put out the night before... and was quick to critique any missing details and characters.

He could not WAIT to open his presents.
I was pretty excited, too.
Giving Jack presents is totally awesome because he has such specific interests and likes that I knew without a doubt the things he would LOVE to get.

Unfortunately, he was SO excited about getting through all of them, that he took approximately 8 seconds with each one before he moved on to the next!

I'm lucky I even snapped any pictures in the middle of the chaos.

We gave him:
Buzz Lightyear Legos
Emperor Palpatine Lego Minifigure
TMNT Legos
Jack Sparrow Costume and Accessories
Harry Potter Wand
 Hooded Cape
Disc Frisbee
Darth Vader Shirt
Peter Pan



He pretty much hated it.

No seriously.
His words were, " I really don't like this bike."

In fairness, he didn't ask for one.
I think he's still a little nervous on it, it'll just take a little warming up to it!

The moment when he first put on his hooded cape was pretty fierce.

He easily could have holed up in our house for the entire day with his new loot and played contently, but we weren't about to stay home bound on his birthday.

I had to run to Springville for some Wave Runners biznass anyway, so we recruited my mama and the Griffin's and we went to the splash pad.

The kid liked it... for like 5 minutes.

Note to self: kids don't really like splash pads.
Jack, however, had a blast just being with the boys and especially enjoyed chasing Annie around the park smacking her butt.

We came home in time for e a little Jack Sparrow action before naps, and man... Jack had that character down in about 2 seconds flat!

Nailed it.

After some quick zzzzz's, it was time for Jack's birthday party!

We took the cousins to see Maleficent, and it was such a perfect way to celebrate Jack!

A dark show that left everyone a little bit nervous... sounds like a Jack party to me!
We all ended up loving it, and Jack was thrilled to have all of his best buddies with him.

Wrestling Tucker through the movie wasn't enough to wear me out!  It was time for more partying at our house!

Everyone came over for pizza, cake, ice cream, and presents.

Jack (again) was spoiled by so many people who love him so much.

They all know him so well and he received so many perfect gifts tailor made for this nut.
Legos, skeletons, ghost garbage trucks, sand sculpture kits, TMNT figures, etc! 
He had so many new toys, it was insane!

For some reason, the non-eater was exceptionally excited about his cake.
I ordered (per his request) an all white cake with all white frosting.
(totally gross, btw).
I added some Star Wars decor, and he was a happy camper.

Jack and his party guests:

It was such a great day.
Jack was a happy boy, and was with all the people he loves most.

He's a lucky boy, and I'm an even luckier mama that he's MINE!

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