
father's day 2014

Father's Day now comes right smack in the middle of craziness with Wave Runners, and although Brett spent the days and morning leading up to Father's Day working his little hiney off, we were still able to take a little time and celebrate the holiday.

I really wish we could have done more, because Brett truly deserves the recognition.
He is a better dad than I could have ever hoped.
He brings fun and adventure into every situation, and provides our boys with such a fantastic example in everything he does.

They are lucky... and I know they're going to be great dads one day because of him.

We spent the evening at my parents having a BBQ, and the boys had a particularly great time with the s'more making.

Little rats.

I was glad to be able to spend the night with my own papa and celebrate him and my grandpa as well.

The older I get, the more I realize just how lucky I am to have the dad I do, and to have had him my entire life.  He's done nothing but love me and support me 110%, and he's provided me with more than can ever be measured.

My dad provides me so much comfort, as do these lovely ladies.
Sure love my family.

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