
Green Dragons

The Green Dragons soccer season came to an end this week, and all I can say is that 3-4 year old soccer is interesting.

Bless Brett's heart for coaching this little team.
Sometimes they're hearts were in it.
Sometimes they weren't.
Other times they just wanted a snack... no wait, that was all the time!

Nonetheless...this little crew was entertaining to watch, and Jack's last game was a real highlight!

His other highlight game came earlier in the season when our little vampire excelled in the cloudy rainy weather and scored THREE goals in one game!

We were happy to see in his last game that even in sunny weather, he could excel!

Jack has had so many supporters all year at these games, and to top of the season he had Kate and Izzy there, as well as the entire Griffin clan. 
He had fire in his eye and a new determination to make something happen!

Just before half time, he stole the ball and brought it the length of the field to SCORE!
Here he is on his way to score!

This season is worth the next 2 pictures alone of Jack right after he scored:


He had quite the cheering section going wild for him... I think the entire crowd was laughing over it!

He definitely had his head in the game more than usual... and it was the perfect way to sum up the season.

Freaking stud.

Some of his loving admirers:
(It should be noted that this was the only game Grandma Jackie missed because she was out of town).



Until next year, soccer!



1 comment:

Lou said...

Is there anything better? I was shocked by how much fun Layth and I had during Ty's little soccer season. Let's get J and T together next year!! If anything, we'd have a blast just watching them run in circles...