
On and On

It feels like I've been incredibly busy lately.
My brain has never been much of a calm place.
Constantly moving, thinking, analyzing...etc.
I've done a whole lot of running around as of late...and most afternoons I feel like doing this for about a solid month:
While running early yesterday morning, I was feeling particularly reflective. It wasn't one of those "turn- on-the- rage- music- runs" but rather a mix of slow, calm music.
I had a jumble of thoughts...
classroom odds and ends to prepare...
i want to go on a trip...
I miss my grandpa...
mom & dad's dogs need to be fed...
my mom should never be allowed to go out of town...
what should we do with our landscaping...
i need a haircut...
how bad will Jack hate me when he gets a little brother or sister?...
(NOT an announcement by the way. Just a permanent thought in my mind since approximately 32 seconds after Jack was born)
5 days until Friday Night Lights season 4 comes out on DVD and I get to finally watch it...
is it really August already?...
side aches blow...
... razors, tin foil, q-tips, and other random grocery list items...
And on
And on
And on.
This is my brain.
Sometimes I wish I had nothing to do.
Nothing to worry or think about.
But, I came to a realization on this profound run of mine.
Every single thing that keeps me busy/stresses me out/ occupies my mind is a blessing,
not a curse.
Behind every tiring, worrisome, or even mundane thing in my life is a gift, not a burden.
At least I have money to go to the grocery store.
I have a house to clean and not a cardboard box.
I miss people because I had them to love in the first place.
I get to have my own sweet baby as mine, even if he's growing up too fast.
I get to do a job that I love for a measly 8 hours a week (who does that, really?) and leave Jack with the best grandparents in the world.
And on.
And on.
And on.
Complaining is for the birds.
What a waste of time.
Costco runs, poopy bums, weeds, and all...
I have a good life.
I think me and the Dalai Lama should do lunch tomorrow.
Come to think of it... they do kind of look alike!


Annie said...

Ummm sorry the Dalai Lama is coming to swimming lessons with me tomorrow.

Annie said...

Oh and by the way I think you are brilliant, amazing, and I second everything you just posted. I love you, in case you forgot!

Jessie said...

With all the free time you have :), I think you should write a novel. You are a gifted writer, Sarah! Great post! But no matter what you say, I am not grateful for Costco runs. Never will be. Ever. Period.