

We had some great opportunities for some snow fun this January.
The snow has been awesome!

I was able to go with Tucker on the Bear Hollow sledding field trip.
It was fun... kind of.  Ha ha.

The snow was almost as deep as Tucker.
His gloves sucked.
He was happiest with hot chocolate.

He's 3.

Enough said.

But, one-on-one time is always a win, so....

We're also super lucky on field trips, because we get Annie and Sam as our playmates!

(Tucker's face in this picture kills me!)

We also got to go down to Woodland Hills to see Tiffany and Todd's new lot.
It was a beautiful snowy afternoon, and Russell even got to participate in the wintery hike!
He slept the whole time... such a freaking stud!

Jack had some of his best snow times sledding this day.  The snow was perfection!

The whole crew.

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