

March 23, 2015

This mamasita had a doctor's appointment, and got to officially meet baby #3!!!

That's right... another baby on the way!
At 9 weeks, and with a healthy confirmation from the doc, we decided it was time to tell the boys.

The whole night kept getting ruined by moody parents and kids and the timing for a precious moment was just never right.  Finally, before bedtime... we sat them down to tell them the news.

We showed them the picture and had them try and guess what it was a picture of.

With a few clues.. in regards to my belly getting bigger... Jack guessed it!

I had a prenatal magazine from the doctor on hand that had pictures of baby in the womb month-by-month, so we looked through it, and I think they were a bit baffled.

This about sums it up.

Jack seemed to understand...about as good as any five year old would.

Tucker however had a few interesting theories! 
Because the womb pics all had a red hue, he had it in his head that the baby was like Anakin burning in the fire....
And then (with all our recent potty talk and explaining), he assumed that I had eaten a baby, which is why it was in my tummy.  He kept saying, "The baby is gonna come out your butt!!!!" 

I think they were most excited about the fact that this baby is coming the same month as Halloween...I mean, how perfect is that for my family?

We knew that with the boys knowing, it was a matter of seeing someone they knew, and the cat would be out of the bag.  So, we made a quick video of them holding the ultrasound pic and saying, "Mommy's gonna have a baby!!!" and sent out a mass text of it to our family members.

I couldn't believe how surprised everyone was.  I didn't think I had done that great of a job concealing it, but it was fun to have a night of phone mania with everyone's excitement.

We're super excited... and in the midst of it... decided to put our house up for sale... Brett has new job prosepects... and Wave Runners season is lurking around the corner.  

I hardly have any time to feel bad for myself feeling pregnant!

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