
When the Stars Aligned at Ikea.

Ok, ok. So I've been a total blog loser lately.
November catch-up? Thanksgiving post? Nah.
Why not blog about last night's jaunt to IKEA?
We were only there three hours.
And Jack was in absolute heaven. Random?
And now... I find myself wondering why I am considering a trip to Disneyland with Jack in January? I dare say Jack is more interested in swedish furnishings.
Brett is sooooo the fun parent in this family.
I had Jack all buckled in tight to the cart, and approximately 2 minutes later, Brett had him out running wild.
He played in kitchens, tested out beds, pushed the cart, and gave his opinion on furniture options.
We were feeling the IKEA spirit so much, we decided to eat dinner there.
Our dinner cost $5.
Then we go to sit down and see this perfect little kid area...
only to find that they had Wall-E playing.
I mean, what are the chances?
I'm 98% positive that Jack is the only kid in this world that watches Wall-E.
He sat in a trance while we dined.
Then I had a moment when I saw Jack sitting at this table.
Suddenly I was on some tangent about Jack going off to school.
Sniff sniff.
I snapped out of it when I realized he's not even 2, and the night finished with a bookshelf for Jack, new bedroom furniture, and new vacation plans for January! Draper here we come!!!
Sorry, Disneyland.


Crystal said...

Wow That sounds like quite the trip to Ikea. Jack is so cute. Maybe Ill have him come pick out my bedroom furniture with me.

Anonymous said...

I hate thinking about my kids going off to school!! We know what goes on there! :)

Annie said...

Sorry Disneyland my ass! If you go to Ikea instead we aren't friends anymore. I love how Jack looks like a midget working in the warehouse. I also love how he is the only child watching the movie. He loves Wall-E because he IS Wall-E! What an amazingly darling little boy. Can't wait to watch him tonight.

Annie said...

Too bad they didn't have Wall-E playing at the Nordstrom Cafe today! My lunch definitely cost more that 5 bucks too.

Jenny said...

We ALL know that going to Disneyland is REALLY for you...not Jack. You should go anyways. Then you can take Jack to Ikea when you get home and every day after! DL is the bomb diggaty TIMMA!