
I remember.

I was wearing these shoes.
Blue yoga pants, a dark pink t-shirt, and a white cardigan, too.
That's what I was wearing.
The day Jack was born.
I still remember.
That means that it couldn't have possibly been 6 months ago.
I remember looking down at these shoes as I lay in the hospital bed that morning while I was being observed for my silly stroke-like symptoms.
It was so odd how they disrobed me (with the ER curtain open, might I add) and covered my bursting pregnant body with a gown without ever taking my shoes off.
I remember thinking my ankles didn't ever get swollen.
Probably the only part of me that wasn't swollen that day.
I remember lying in the MRI, basically in the buff and still wearing my shoes.
I remember counting, constantly.
Playing silly games about the number I'd get to when they'd finally let me out.
I remember wondering if I'd give birth in these shoes.
I remember the nurses commenting on my shoes.
My delivery nurse even said she noticed these shoes that morning as she was leaving and I was being wheeled into the ER.
Then, when she came back for her night shift (to deliver my Jack), she saw that I was
"the shoe girl," and she knew she'd like me.
I remember later when the nurse finally took my shoes off and put on some sweet blue, rubber soled socks.
And then. I knew. Jack was coming. They meant business.
I often find myself grasping to things that will make me believe more and more that Jack is still my tiny baby.
The truth is, he is my crawling, jumping, teething baby.
And he's 6 months old today.
I know I say this every month, but I think it.
Another month? Really?
What is it about 6 that puts a little lump in my throat?
Perhaps it's his clothes that are starting to look giant sized.
Maybe it's the fact that he can turn his own music on in his crib.
Could be that when I leave him for 2 seconds, he manages to come find me, all by himself!
Or that he eats food with a spoon and can uncover his own face when we play peek-a-boo.
He's getting so big. So smart.
My green and blue Nikes are definitely not cute enough anymore to get the attention I got that day in June.
They're dirty and worn.
But, Jack is still my baby.
He is unpredictable just when I think he's predictable.
He requires multiple outfit changes a day.
Wears shirts with snaps.
Still likes to be held.
Spits up like a fountain.
Sucks his thumb like the day he was born.
Cuddles up to me when he's tired.
Looks to me with complete and total trust.
And depends on me for (let's see....) everything.
Oh, how I love this boy.
My baby.
My Jack.
For lack of a better word, he really is so incredibly awesome.
We are so lucky to have him, and I never want to seem like I don't know it.
Because I do.
I'm so thankful for his 6 months of life so far.
I'm trying to savor every moment of this experience we're all having.
As he learns, we learn.
While I'm sure we'll have other kids, the experience will never be this experience.
First times for all of us.
And I'll swallow this lump in my throat because of the fact that I have the next 6 months+ to enjoy
I am obsessed with you.
Can you blame me? Really?
Happy 6 Months, pal!
(This little impromptu photo shoot happened this morning as Jack was trying on his half-birthday boots. Deeee-lightful!)


Annie said...

Forget the photo shoot next week...those pictures are perfect! I get that lump in my throat all the time when I realize how quickly my kids are growing up. Jack is such a little stud--can't wait to squish his little cheeks tomorrow.

Robyn Cox said...

Those photos are priceless! Nice work with the camera!
I look forward to meeting little Jack in a few weeks at the Christmas party. I hope he has a talent ready to perform!

annie and jared said...

sarah.. you are an amazing blogger... not to mention MOMMY!! i love this post. i was DYING when i read about your shoes. why did you have them on so long?? in MRI--- what!!?? ha ha. you are so great. when the heck are we going to lunch. these pics of jack just reminded me how badly i need to see him again....

Bianca said...

He is really looking bigger! is that strange? i feel like it hasn't even been that long since i've seen him?!

i love to read your posts. i have told you this, I think, but I want to tell you again. I love to read them because they are not contrived, just honest and funny and eloquent.. also you post really great pictures:)

we are home by the end of NEXT WEEK. so we are excited to see you guys soon! yay!

Anonymous said...

AMAZING! Those boots are so amazing that he honestly doesn't need pants. I love it!