

We were in need of our pumpkins (and haircuts... ignore, please), so one delightful evening we headed over to the patch to pick out just the right ones.

The boys were all sorts of thrilled with the variety... and we ended up with several big ones... and about a million baby tiny ones.

We had donuts and hot chocoloate... and enjoyed the fact that in OCTOBER... we were lucky enough to be soaking in 70-80 degree weather.

Fast forward a few weeks...and FINALLY it was time to do the carving.
(Jack was so sick of waiting!)

They soooooo have the perfect dad for these sorts of projects.

Tuck picked a ghost pattern out of the book that I was able to muster pretty well... and he seemed pretty thrilled with just being able to blow the candle out about 7500 times in the time it took Brett to carve Jack's pumpkin.

Of course Jack wanted Darth Vader.
Was Darth Vader in our pattern book?
Of course not.

Did Brett still carve it? Freehand?
You betcha....

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