Jack's hair took approximately a year to really grow in.
However, even as a tiny little thing, Brett has been grooming him regularly in the form of a buzz.
We like it neat around here.
Today, Jack received his first professional cut.
Because...as you can see...
... things were getting a little rat-like.
He was perfectly fine sitting in the little car-chair...watching Toy Story... and munching on a giant sucker.
The only hiccup was when the stylist attempted to put the cape on him.
Let's just say...Jack left with hair all over him.
It matched the hair all over his sucker beautifully.
Finished Product
He was seriously gripping his victory balloon so tight it's a miracle it didn't pop.
We came home to de-hair his clothes, and I took his disgusting sucker away from him.
Pouting ensued long enough to prevent me from taking a happy picture of his new groomed locks.
He scores some pretty easy sympathy points with this face.
But, in the end...he's groomed.
And, I'm happy.
Jack, however, is still mourning his furry sucker.