
The Day

Final Birthday Post.
I promise.

Jack's actual birthday came on Wednesday, and it was another day full of fun.
We like to celebrate for about 5 weeks! Sheesh!

He woke up his same silly self...ready and excited to play with his newly aquired loot.
We decided to wait to open our presents until after Brett came home that night since Jack was snoozing away when he left for work.

After playing the morning away...we picked up Grandma Jackie, Izzy and Lucy, and met Annie and her boys at Kangaroo Zoo for a little more birthday fun.

Jack had an absolute blast, and his sweet cousins were darling with him.
I was spandexed out from head to toe and ready to get my jump on, too. 

We stayed for a few hours, and then Jack completely crashed on the way home.
He took a heavenly nap...and when he woke up, Brett was home from work and we were ready to celebrate with some presents.
Tucker was taking a nap, and Brett and I were able to focus completely on the birthday boy.
Considering his reaction to present-time at his party--we weren't quite sure what we were going to get from him.
Turns out...he could not have been more darling.
He opened every present with so much excitement, and we got a good reaction out of every gift.
We had nowhere else to be...so we took our time and played together with each present after it was opened.

His first present was a cape.
He was speechless.

And didn't take it off for the rest of his birthday.
Adequate time was spent flying like Superman.  Obviously.

He also got a glow board, games, books, Spiderman action figures, superhero apparel, water toys, and a slew of dart guns.


After some serious play-time, Jack was tubbed and in his new Superman jammies...all ready to take it down a notch and watch Superman, as we had promised.
(he insists on wearing his holey Toms as his "Superman shoes" ???)

He rarely breaks character...check out those intense superhero fists.

These two...

It was a perfect start to year #3.
I can't believe he is 3, but I am ready for him to be 3 at the same time.
Crazy unpredictablity and all...it's a really fun age.
We honestly couldn't have had a better day, and were in heaven as parents keeping it simple and just playing with our sweet boy.

Oh, and this one too:

1 comment:

Annie said...

Sheesh, I can't keep up man! I'm behind on 2 posts, that has never happened. I'd say you detailed every second of Jack's birthday week perfectly. What a lucky, lucky little boy to have such fun, involved parents. You picked every gift so thoughtfully, no wonder he loved everything. You know that kid too well! He is such a boy, I love it. You know my crew will always be down for some fun at kangaroo zoo. That last picture of Tuck...shut up...amazing.