
Growing Up

Last night, we went from this:
To this: And I'm not exactly sure who had to grow up more. ......
Me or Jack? ...

.. We've been preparing for this whole process for a couple of weeks now...and I had it on my calendar to attempt the switch later this week. ...
After shuffling furniture, and getting things ready... I decided last night was the night. ...
I think I cried for 4 hours straight yesterday afternoon as Jack took his nap. ...
Thanks, pregnancy. ...


... I've been secretly (or not so secretly) dreading this day for a couple of reasons. ...
First, let me tell you about Jack as a sleeper. ...
Simply put... Jack is the sleeper. ...
2 1/2 years old, and sleeping 12 hours each night + a 3-4 hour nap EVERY day... he's pretty much as good as they come. ...
When it's time to sleep... Jack takes the reins and knows just what to do. ...
No fuss. ...
... Now...why would I rock this boat? ....
... Oh yes... baby #2 needs a place to crash too, I suppose... and 2 cribs just isn't happening in this house. ...
Jack sooo loves his crib. He always has. And my ultra sensitive, ultra sentimental, hormonal state kept telling me that taking away the crib was like taking away Jack's ability to breathe. ...
Dramatic enough for you?... ....
The truth is, while these thoughts were real issues to consider, I think the real deal is that I knew with Jack leaving the crib behind, a part of my baby would be gone forever. ...
The baby part. ...


As hard as I try to act like Jack is still an infant, the fact is he is a full fledged little boy. This transition meant accepting a new little one on the way, and the dreaded word...change. ...



... So..as Jack's crib days have faded... so have my days of dreaming that he'd be tiny forever. However, as I see him growing and reaching milestone after milestone, I couldn't be more excited for all of his growing up days. Each phase replaces an old one with what feels like an even better one. Maybe one day I'll fully accept that reality instead of resisting everyone getting older all of the time! ...
.... ...
Truthfully, now that the anxiety of making the switch is over, I also feel a renewed excitement for baby #2, and am so grateful to have him coming to fill our now vacant crib. ...
I gotta tell you... sometimes being a parent is for the birds. ......
But-we did it!
Jack made the transition without a single problem.
(of course he did)


It's nearly 9:00 the next morning, and he is still sawing logs from his first night in a big boy bed.

... ... ...
And he's still my same sweet, happy little boy. ... ...
We had complete success. ...
... .
And I've only cried part of the morning!
Look mom! I'm growing up!
... .(and now you don't have to hear me whining about this anymore!) ... ......


Goodbye, my little crib dweller. ... Hello...